Picture of the Week!

Picture of the Week!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Remember how I said I wasn't so good at blogging?...

...Now you can see why. I never update.  Oh well.

The lovely update:
NIANEMA HIT 80!!!! (Ok, shouting over.) It makes me so happy to have a level capped toon. I just sort of sat there when I saw the little yellow halo of awesomesauce appear and let my level sink in, then erupted into a giggling, shouting mess.  In the last few weeks, I've managed to get her the full Tier 9 set with two awesome trinkets, and almost everything is enchanted.  It's lovely.  I'm ready to hit ICC, but it's all about me getting enough intestinal fortitude to join one that's forming.  Most likely I won't get to anything past Professor Putricide, but that's okay. :)  There's a few good pieces hiding in those couple of bosses, I just have to do my research and go for it!

Ok, today is just the update.  I'm working on a larger post about being a girl gamer (because every girl blogger must do one, I think) that will go up in a few days.

For the Horde!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, and as a side note, my DPS is topping 4k on raid bosses now! I'm no longer a disappointment to my class. :)


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